My heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky 看到天空中的彩虹,我就心荡神驰。
“ my heart leaps up when i behold / a rainbow in the sky ” ( william wordsworth ) “当我看见天边的一道彩虹时,我的心不由地跳了起来” (威廉?渥兹华斯) 。
These bright flowers swayed in the wind in total harmony with one another , as the suns rays broke through the clouds after a brief downpour , creating a rainbow in the sky . i watched brothers and sisters from all walks of life , of all creeds and colors , talking , eating , sitting , walking or picking wild herbs and mushrooms from the fields 我看着这些来自各行各业有着不同宗教背景和不同肤色的同修,他们或聊天畅谈或享受食物或静坐冥思或散步寻幽或在田野里采摘野生的药草及蘑菇,眼前的这一幕,不禁让我感受到人间天堂就在此时此地!